mercoledì, luglio 19, 2006

Beccati! :D

In TechRepublic e in Boingboing possiamo leggere la seguente chicca:

Windows XP ships with system sounds that were created with a cracked version of Sony's SoundForge program -- and the sounds contain a thank-you screen acknowledging the warez dood who cracked the Sony program.

At first, that sounds anything but spectacular. It seems as if the Microsoft musician or the freelance musician commissioned by Microsoft used the Sony-made software " Sound Forge " (formerly Sonic) in its 4.5 version. Sound Forge is a tool for professionals and enables users to create WAV, AIFF, MP3 and other music files priced at $400.

On its face, all that's not unusual: Microsoft uses professional software. Who would've thought? But wait a minute, who or what is "DeepzOne"?


DeepzOne is (or at least was) member of the Warez group Radium that had specialized on cracking music software. Along with a person using the alias "Sandor," he was also co-founder of this group, which was established in 1997( see in this interview ). In addition, it was DeepzOne who started circulating the cracked 4.5 version of Sound Forge a few years ago.

C'è un dio da qualche parte :D

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